Part II: The Strengths and Weaknesses of Personality Disorders: It’s Not All Bad, Matter of Fact...

Realizing & Using Those Strengths and Weaknesses

It’s not all bad. We list vocations and hobbies that you are probably really suited to.

When we chat about personality disorders, it's important to remember that these are quite serious mental health conditions. People experiencing them have ways of thinking, feeling, and behaving that differ a lot from what's usually expected in their culture. These patterns are so ingrained and inflexible that they can cause real challenges and distress.

But here's a heartfelt reminder: each person, regardless of their condition, is unique and complex. They have their own set of traits which, in a different context, could even be seen as strengths. While dealing with their disorder, they may display qualities that could shine under different circumstances. So let's gently explore some of these traits. Also, for each personality disorder, we'll understand a bit about the typical challenges these individuals might face, and what they just might excel at!

While the above intro gives you an idea of what to expect, listed below is an Index of the 25+ pages of insightful information contained just in Part 2 ...

We List a Lot of Job Possibilities By Each PD, and Then Go On to list Hobbies that Should Suit Too... and some of them might surprise you.

The Silver Lining: Now Let’s Harness the Strengths.................

Here's an Example of Part of What BPD folks Could Find Suitable as an Occupation. We Then Go On To Explain Why They should Suit Them...

Borderline Personality Disorder:

Those with BPD often have a heightened emotional sensitivity which can make them very empathetic. They also tend to be passionate and resilient.



Social Worker

Human Resources Professional

Nonprofit/NGO Work

Creative Arts Therapist

Crisis Hotline Operator

Special Education Teacher

Individuals with borderline personality disorder (BPD) possess unique traits that can be beneficial in various vocations. With their heightened empathy and emotional sensitivity, they can excel as counselors or therapists, providing support and understanding to others. Their empathy and passion make them effective advocates for vulnerable populations and can lead to a positive impact in people's lives as social workers. In roles that require understanding and supporting employees' well-being, their heightened emotional sensitivity and empathy can help them thrive as human resources professionals. BPD individuals can channel their passion and empathy into working for nonprofit organizations or NGOs focused on social causes, making a difference in the lives of others. Harnessing their emotional sensitivity and passion, they can explore careers in creative arts therapy, such as art therapy or music therapy, to help individuals heal and express themselves. Their empathy, resilience, and ability to connect with others' emotions can be valuable as crisis hotline operators, providing crucial emotional support and crisis intervention for individuals in distress. Additionally.....

Hobbies That They Should Love Are Listed In A Following Section ... Along With Every Other PD Type too

The Last Section in Part II: "The Dark Clouds: Recognizing and Acknowledging the Fears, Anxieties, Weaknesses & Struggles (FAWS)"