Welcome to:  Do I have a Personality Disorder - and How Can I Tell Anyway?

Copyright © 2023 by: Julian Webb & The Disorderlies

Book Design by: Julian Webb & The Disorderlies

Illustrations by: Julian Webb & The Disorderlies

ISBN: 9798865181729

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form, on or by an electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the publisher, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review


Alas because of where some of us live, coupled with the fact that some people use lawyers instead of common sense, we need to, and of course should, include these…. AKA “the legal stuff”

Legal Disclaimer:

The information provided by our service is for research and educational purposes only. We do not encourage or condone any illegal or unsafe behavior, and we encourage readers to check with their local authorities before engaging in any activities related to medications, substances, or routines mentioned. The use of any medication, substance, or routine mentioned should be discussed with a qualified healthcare professional, and any decisions made regarding their use should be made in consultation with a licensed medical practitioner. Our service is not responsible for any consequences that may arise from the use or misuse of any information or products discussed, and readers assume all risks associated with the use of any information or products provided.

Medical Disclaimer:

This book is intended to provide guidance and support to sufferers, parents and caregivers of individuals suffering from anxiety and personality disorders. The information provided in this book is based on personal experience and research, and is not intended to replace professional medical advice or treatment.

The author of this book is not a medical professional and does not provide medical advice or diagnoses. If you or your loved one is suffering from an eating disorder, it is essential to seek the help of a qualified medical professional who can provide a proper diagnosis and treatment plan.

The author and publisher of this book disclaim any liability arising directly or indirectly from the use of the information provided in this book. The reader is solely responsible for their use of the information contained in this book and any actions taken as a result.

This book does not endorse or recommend any specific treatment, medication, or healthcare provider. The reader is advised to consult with their healthcare provider before making any decisions regarding their health or the health of their loved one.

The author and publisher of this book cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information provided and are not responsible for any errors or omissions.

By continuing reading, the reader acknowledges and agrees to the above Medical and Legal Disclaimers.

“The Website” - Your Go-To Source of Information & Updates

Preface - Our Philosophy

The SA3 System: A Pathway to Self-Discovery and Recovery, by Acknowledging, Identifying & Addressing Your “FAWS”



Ok, So Who’s “Normal” and Who’s Not?

The Pro’s and No’s and Go’s and Whoa’s of Self-Diagnosis or More Accurately: Self-Analysis

Part I: Self Analysis:3 Different Paths to Identify What P.D. You Might Have

Symptoms Grouped by Behaviour and therefore likely disorder - The “Thumbnail” look

Personality Disorders Defined: No Frills clinical Definitions - A More In-Depth Look

The SA3 Method Questionnaire: New Method Having Huge Success

Part II: The Strengths and Weaknesses of Personality Disorders: It’s Not All Bad, Matter of Fact...

Realizing & Using Those Strengths and Weaknesses

The Silver Lining: Now Let’s Harness the Strengths

The Dark Clouds: Recognizing and Acknowledging the Fears, Anxieties, Weaknesses & Struggles (FAWS)

Part III: How to Handle & Overcome All 32 “FAWS” (Fears, Anxieties, Weaknesses & Struggles)

Mastering Communication Skills: Strategies to Overcome the Challenge of Expressing Yourself Clearly and Understanding Others

Overcoming the Challenge of Decision Making Under Pressure: Strategies for Personal Growth

Mastering Conflict Resolution: Strategies to Overcome Avoidance and Improve Effectiveness

Mastering the Art of Patience: Strategies to Overcome Impatience and Frustration

Overcoming Perfectionism: Balancing Excellence and Progress

Overcoming the Struggle with Delegation: Embracing Trust and Empowerment

Overcoming Procrastination: Strategies to Tackle Last-Minute Task Avoidance

................................. and all the rest of the 32 "FAWS" are covered

Part IV: Self Help and Knowing Where to Find It

“Current Medical Model” Solutions, and Complimentary or “At Home” DIY solutions, including the new ICR Method

Traditional Current Medical Model Therapies for Personality Disorders

Now those “up close and personal” accounts of the various therapies in action

DIY Medical Model Therapy Suggestions

Complementary Therapies: Supporting the Medical Model

Embracing Mindfulness: Being Present in the Moment

The Ever Popular “STOP - 3 Method” for PD Sufferers

The ICR Method: A Quick Path to “Owning” Any Situation

Implementing the ICR Method: A Step-by-Step Guide

My Own DIY ICR ‘System” - It Works For Me

The “Me-Here-Now” Reference: To Save You Getting Lost

Part V: Moving Forward - What’s Next, What Now

Remember Your Motto:  "I'm a Disorderly and proud of it!"

“The Website” - Your Go-To Source of Information & Updates

The Intersection Between Personality and Mood Disorders

Conclusion: Remember to Throw Open the Windows and Get Some Fresh Air Once in a While