About this Website

Let's face it, half of us want to shout at the idiot on the other side of the counter, and the other half of us want to run away from them… how the hell are we ever supposed to fit into this world?

If anything about the above makes sense, then this website is for you.

We're “Disorderlies”, and there's no shame in that. In fact, there's a certain power in owning that term, in embracing it, and in using it to fuel our journey towards understanding and acceptance.

My story might resonate with you. I, too, have a personality disorder (PD). I've spent years grappling with it, trying to understand it, and learning how to navigate life with it. It's been a journey filled with ups and downs, but I've learned to cope, to thrive, and to celebrate my unique strengths. And that's what I hope this website will help you do, too.

This website serialises and adds to the groundbreaking book: "Do I have a Personality Disorder - and How Can I Tell Anyway?". It has become a beacon of hope, a guide, and a companion for those of us who are on this journey. It's a tool to help you understand yourself better, to identify your strengths, and to find joy and fulfillment in life, despite the challenges that come with having a PD.

We understand that not everyone can seek professional help. There are a myriad of reasons - cultural taboos, privacy concerns, physical isolation, financial constraints, religious beliefs, societal stigma, simple unavailability, or even an abusive spouse. We've taken all these factors into account, and this book is designed to be a safe, accessible resource for everyone, regardless of their circumstances.

This website doesn't just focus on the challenges of having a PD. Instead, it celebrates the strengths that we, as Disorderlies, possess. It helps you quickly identify these strengths and guides you towards jobs and hobbies that align with them. This way, you can start focusing on the positive aspects of your life, on what you're good at, rather than dwelling on the things you struggle with.

Having a PD doesn't define us, but it does shape us. It's a part of who we are, and it's crucial that we face it, understand it, and embrace it. This website encourages you to do just that. It encourages you to take pride in your strengths, in your uniqueness, and in your journey.

So, dear "Disorderly", as you read the pages of this website, remember that you're not alone. Remember that it's okay to struggle, to be different, and to have a PD. Remember to celebrate your strengths, to embrace your disorder, and to take pride in who you are.

Welcome to the "Disorderly" family. Let's embark on this journey together, with hope, courage, and a shared understanding that we are more than our disorders. We are Disorderlies, and we are strong.

Remember Your motto: Instead of apologizing to ourselves and others, we choose honesty, acceptance, and to embrace our condition. In fact, we even gave ourselves a name... we call ourselves “The Disorderlies", and we're proud of it.