Welcome to, "Do I have a Personality Disorder - and How Can I Tell Anyway?"

As we mention many times in everything we do, we really do understand that not everyone can seek professional help. There are a myriad of reasons - simple unavailability, cultural taboos, privacy concerns, physical isolation, financial constraints, religious beliefs, societal stigma, or even an abusive spouse. We've taken all these factors into account, and this website is designed to be a safe, accessible resource for everyone, regardless of their circumstances. This is a monster need not really being addressed, as most services, even when they are available, are understaffed, underpaid, overworked and overbooked. So we’re here to help, or more accurately, to help you, to help yourself.

We’ll never talk about a “cure” or “being normal” etc as people who do are lying to you, have an agenda, or have over inflated egos, and certainly don’t have a personality disorder! Let’s face it, we’re a work-in-progress and will probably need to remain so… but that’s OK, as all we need to do is find coping strategies that let us navigate life and all the daily shit we wish we didn’t have to, and make it to the end of the day without feeling defeated or drained.

I didn’t mean that in any defeatist way, not at all, I and many others have found coping mechanisms that work, and we have many days where we really can say “Dam it, I need this done now, and I’m going to organize it now, and I know just who to contact to make it happen”, so stick with us and I’m sure at the very worst you’ll end up feeling a whole lot better about yourself… and that isn’t something a bunch of us normally do too often.

Let’s start by being dead honest, we all pretty much have the same basic worries, abandonment, rejection, loss of control, intimacy, criticism, judgment or disapproval to name the obvious ones, but again at least we know it. Mr & Mrs Average have their problems too, but without realizing it they’re so much worse off than us. You’ve realized there’s something wrong and are actively working it out, that puts you miles ahead.

We decided we needed to stand up and be proud of what we are. While we’re told our condition does not define us, it certainly shapes us. So rather than be apologetic to ourselves and others, we decided to be honest with ourselves and others and to accept and embrace our condition, so much so we gave ourselves a name… “The Disorderlies”

So next time you’re feeling a bit down trodden, unloved or otherwise screwed over, go look at yourself in the mirror and say loudly and with a smile…”I’m a Disorderly, and I’m proud of it”.

So, welcome to "Do I have a Personality Disorder - and How Can I Tell Anyway?"

This website is like your trusty compass, and a safe space for anyone exploring the world of Personality Disorders. Whether you suspect you have one, or you're coming to terms with it, get ready to embark on a voyage of self-discovery. The cool thing is, the author has walked in the same shoes you might be wearing right now.

The authors invite you to join them on this path. They'll take you from those initial thoughts of having a disorder to the victories of managing it in everyday life. Their journey has been tough, but they've also had some amazing wins. They’ve faced challenges head-on and come out on top, all in the pursuit of understanding and handling their disorder.

They started just like you might be right now, with questions like "Do I have a Personality Disorder?" "What does this mean for me?" "Do I still matter?" They’ve gone through the usual therapies and spent countless hours reflecting on themselves and then forging their own paths through the "ICR Method," and you'll get to know that really well in these pages.

This website isn't just a guide; it's a testament to how strong we humans can be. It's a celebration of our ability to grow and overcome challenges. It reminds us that a disorder doesn't define us. It's a call to be proud of who we are, rising above the stereotypes and recognizing that we all have unique strengths and skills that can help us, even when things get tough.

The strategies in this website have worked wonders for many people in the toughest situations. It's a beacon of hope, showing us that we can learn to handle our emotions and relationships with grace, even when we're going through some rough seas internally.

So, dear reader, as you flip through these pages, remember this: you're not alone, and you're not just your disorder. You're a strong, resilient person. Your journey may be challenging, but it's also full of opportunities for growth and self-discovery.

This isn't a website with all the answers, but it's packed with shared experiences, supportive advice, and valuable insights. It's like having a warm, understanding conversation with someone who's been there, to you who might just be starting out.

Approach this journey with an open heart and mind, and know that this website is more than just a website. It's a lifeline, a source of hope, and a testament to the fact that we humans can adapt, grow, and thrive no matter what. Welcome to your journey, welcome to understanding, and most importantly, welcome to hope.