
Firstly, and without apology, this book isn’t about in-depth analytical interpretations of The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) or lengthy discussion on Millon’s Subtypes etc or other “look how much we know” clever dissertations on current medical practices on Personality Disorders.

It’s unashamedly written by long term sufferers of disorders who have battled through “treatment programs” and finally found successful coping strategies, and want to offer those experiences to fellow sufferers who are just starting out on the “Have I got a personality Disorder” journey, or are at the “I think I’ve got one, help, what do I do now” junction.

Now, how about that pride… we all too often feel outcasts, not wanted, misunderstood etc. Well we say BS to that and suggest you use the name we coined for all us Personality Disorder sufferers…”The Disorderlies”... wear it with pride, and remember don’t go putting yourself down, there’s way too many others waiting to do that for you.

So, how is this website laid out:

Part I is all about Self-Diagnosis or Self-Analysis: “How Can I Tell I’ve Got a Personality Disorder - & Which One Is It?”

Part II is all about The Strengths & Weaknesses of Personality disorder: It’s Not All Bad, as We List Vocations and Hobbies You’re Probably Suited to. Maximize those Strengths.

Part III is all about The “32 Fears, Anxieties, Weaknesses & Struggles” (FAWS) List: Introducing, analyzing and applying a positive approach to recognising and handling the different Personality Disorders.

Part IV is all about Self Help and knowing where to find it: Medical Solutions and Complimentary or “In House” DIY solutions including the new ICR Method.

Part V is all about Moving Forward: Applying Your New Found Coping Strategies & Being Able to Take Control & “Own Any Situation”.

So ... What Are You Waiting For... Take Control Of Your Life Today..........