The “6 Point Plan” to tackle life head on and Win

The “6 Point Plan” to tackle life head on and Win

Rather than keep searching for "the test" that may take a stab at what Personality Disorder you just might have, why not put your time and effort into.....

1 - Firstly, don't give up on seeking professional help if possible, this really should be your ultimate goal...BUT if that's never going to be possible for one of the many reasons, be it distance, finances, simple unavailability, or perhaps, fear, stigma or family pressures, we offer the SA3/ICR System as a lifeline option.

2 - Please give up on searching for, taking and retaking, endless "magic bullet tests" that promise to identify what personality type you are supposed to be, or even identify what personality disorder you supposedly have... so what, how does that help you deal with your immediate problems?

3 - Identify and acknowledge your "FAWS". You can't deal with your fears, anxieties, weaknesses & struggles until you know what they are!

4 - Identify and acknowledge your strengths. This is crucial to see the positives that come as part of your personality issues... it's not all doom and gloom!

5 - Actively seek hobbies and jobs that play into these strengths. Start with a hobby that gives wings to those traits that you were always told would hold you back, and now you can see they're really handy.

6 - Use the ICR Method to develop your own custom "S.A." to allow you to overcome even your most feared situation. This might take some practice but with the right tools you really can "own" any situation!

Now get out's your turn to shine.