Personality Tests Aren't the Final Answer, They're Just the Beginning - Welcome to The Disorderlies Approach

Personality Tests Aren't the Final Answer, They're Just the Beginning - Welcome to The Disorderlies Approach

Personality tests have become increasingly popular in recent years, promising to unveil the intricate layers of our inner selves. From the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) to the Enneagram, these tests claim to pinpoint our personalities with remarkable precision. However, it's essential to remember that personality tests are not definitive, but even if you happen to be among the fortunate few who receive an accurate indication of your personality type, what then?

The truth is, merely knowing what your supposed personality type might be doesn't automatically lead to self-improvement or personal growth. In fact, without guidance and support, you may find yourself no better off than before. Identifying your personality type may provide insight into your traits and tendencies, but it does little to address the fundamental issues that many of us face: our fears, anxieties, weaknesses, and struggles—collectively known as our "FAWS."

This is where The Disorderlies comes into play. Our approach is refreshingly different. We don't dwell on the labels of personality disorders or waste time splitting hairs over which specific category you might fit into. Instead, our focus is on helping you find a better way to cope with the challenges life throws your way.

At The Disorderlies, we offer an anonymous and supportive route to identifying and acknowledging your FAWS. We understand that these aspects of ourselves can be difficult to confront, and our aim is to create a safe space for self-discovery. However, we don't stop at recognition, we believe in providing practical solutions to help you overcome these obstacles.

Our cornerstone is the SA3/ICR Identification & Method. This system guides individuals through the process of recognizing their FAWS, developing effective coping strategies, and ultimately working towards a path of recovery and personal growth. It's not about dwelling on labels but rather addressing the things that are holding you back from leading a more balanced and fulfilling life.

The Disorderlies offers a complete front-to-back system, from self-analysis to practical methods that anyone can incorporate into their daily lives. We understand that personal growth is a journey, and we're here to support you every step of the way.