Overcoming the Struggle with Delegation: Embracing Trust and Empowerment

Overcoming the Struggle with Delegation: Embracing Trust and Empowerment


Delegation is a crucial skill for personal and professional growth, enabling individuals to leverage their strengths, optimize their time, and foster collaborative environments. However, for those who struggle to trust others with tasks, delegation can be a daunting challenge. This article aims to provide practical strategies and insights to help individuals overcome their difficulty in delegating and learn to trust and empower others. By implementing these strategies, individuals can alleviate their workload, foster team development, and achieve greater success.

Reflect on the Root Causes:

Understanding the underlying reasons for struggling with delegation is the first step towards improvement. Reflect on the following aspects:


Often, the fear of tasks not being completed to one's own high standards hinders delegation. Recognize that perfection is subjective and that empowering others can lead to collective growth.

Control Issues:

Delegating can trigger anxiety and a loss of control for some individuals. Acknowledge that effective delegation involves clear communication, support, and shared responsibility, rather than relinquishing control entirely.

Past Experiences:

Negative experiences of delegating tasks in the past may contribute to the reluctance to trust others. Assess these experiences objectively and identify lessons to improve future delegation efforts.

Recognize the Benefits of Delegation:

To overcome the hesitance to delegate, it is essential to recognize the numerous benefits that delegation offers:

Time Management:

Delegating tasks frees up valuable time for higher-priority responsibilities and strategic thinking.

Skill Development:

Delegation provides opportunities for others to grow and develop new skills, benefiting both the individual and the team.

Improved Collaboration:

Sharing responsibilities fosters collaboration, enhances team dynamics, and allows for diverse perspectives and ideas.

Identify Appropriate Tasks for Delegation:

Not all tasks are suitable for delegation. Identify tasks that can be effectively assigned to others, such as routine or time-consuming activities, non-core responsibilities, or projects that align with team members' strengths.

Build a Competent and Trustworthy Team:

Invest time and effort in building a competent and trustworthy team. Select team members based on their skills, experience, and alignment with the task at hand. Provide adequate training and support to instill confidence and competence in their abilities.

Establish Clear Expectations:

Effective delegation relies on clear communication and setting expectations. Clearly define the task, its objectives, deadlines, and desired outcomes. Encourage team members to ask questions and seek clarification.

Provide Resources and Support:

To foster trust and empower others, provide the necessary resources, tools, and training required for successful task completion. Ensure that team members have access to relevant information, guidance, and ongoing support.

Delegate in Stages:

For individuals who struggle with delegation, it can be helpful to start with smaller tasks and gradually increase the level of responsibility delegated. This approach builds confidence and trust over time.

Monitor Progress and Provide Feedback:

Regularly monitor the progress of delegated tasks and provide constructive feedback. Recognize achievements and address any issues promptly. Open and honest communication builds trust and reinforces the benefits of delegation.

Celebrate Successes:

Acknowledge and celebrate successful outcomes resulting from effective delegation. Recognizing individual and team achievements reinforces the positive impact of delegation and encourages future collaboration.

Continuously Evaluate and Adjust:

As with any skill, delegation requires continuous evaluation and improvement. Reflect on your delegation practices, learn from experiences, and make necessary adjustments to optimize future efforts.

The SA3/ICR System

Seeking professional help should always be your first choice, but we know there are many reasons you may unable for unwilling to access professional help, be it distance, finances, simple unavailability, or perhaps it's, fear, stigma or family pressures, we offer the SA3/ICR System as a lifeline option.

Firstly it will give you a simple, straightforward system to help you identify the "FAWS" (fears, anxieties, weaknesses and struggles) that are holding you back, and then we introduce you to a method that holds your hand and shows you how to develop coping strategies to overcome those “FAWS” in any situation, in everyday life.

But not just that, it also helps you identify any "strengths" that come as a package with those “FAWS”, as believe it or not those same character traits that are holding you back, can also point you to job and hobby opportunities you may not have realised before...


Overcoming the struggle with delegation is a transformative process that requires self-reflection, trust-building, and embracing the benefits of shared responsibility. By recognizing the root causes of this difficulty, understanding the advantages of delegation, and implementing the strategies outlined in the previous sections, individuals can gradually develop the ability to trust others with tasks and delegate effectively.

Delegation is not just about offloading tasks; it is a powerful tool for personal and team growth. By overcoming the hesitation to delegate, individuals can experience increased productivity, improved work-life balance, and stronger professional relationships. Embracing delegation fosters an environment of trust, empowerment, and collaboration.

Remember, delegation is not a sign of weakness; it is a sign of leadership and effective management. Leaders who can delegate effectively are more likely to achieve their goals and inspire their team members to reach their full potential. By implementing the strategies discussed in this article and consistently practicing delegation, individuals can transform their struggle into a strength and create a more efficient and harmonious work environment.

So, take the first step today. Reflect on your concerns, recognize the benefits of delegation, and begin by entrusting smaller tasks to capable team members. Gradually build trust, provide support and resources, and monitor progress. Celebrate successes and learn from any setbacks. With time and practice, you will develop a delegation mindset that empowers others and enables you to focus on strategic priorities.

Remember, delegation is not about giving up control but rather about harnessing the power of collaboration and teamwork. Embrace the potential for growth, both personally and professionally, that comes with effective delegation. Trust in your team, empower them, and together, you can achieve greater success than you ever thought possible.

Now is the time to shed the burden of doing everything yourself and embrace the power of delegation. Unlock your true potential and watch as you and your team soar to new heights of productivity and achievement.

NOTE: This is the “short form” version of this "Coping Strategy Handbook". If you would like to read the “long form” 8000 word, 30+ page version, complete with Audiobook, and 150+ other, Reports, Audios etc etc including the SA3/ICR Method, become a Member HERE