Welcome to, "Do I have a Personality Disorder - and How Can I Tell Anyway?"

This website is like your trusty compass, and a safe space for anyone exploring the world of Personality Disorders. Whether you suspect you have one, or you're coming to terms with it, get ready to embark on a voyage of self-discovery. The cool thing is, the authors have walked in the same shoes you might be wearing right now.

The authors invite you to join them on this path. They'll take you from those initial thoughts of having a disorder to the victories of managing it in everyday life. Their journey has been tough, but they've also had some amazing wins. They’ve faced challenges head-on and come out on top, all in the pursuit of understanding and handling their disorder.

They started just like you might be right now, with questions like "Do I have a Personality Disorder?" "What does this mean for me?" "Do I still matter?" They’ve gone through the usual therapies and spent countless hours reflecting on themselves and then forging their own paths through the "ICR Method," and you'll get to know that really well in these pages...


"We decided we needed to stand up and be proud of what we are. While we’re told our condition does not define us, it certainly shapes us. So rather than be apologetic to ourselves and others, we decided to be honest with ourselves and to accept and embrace our condition, so much so we gave ourselves a name… “The Disorderlies”

So next time you’re feeling a bit down trodden, unloved or otherwise screwed over, go look at yourself in the mirror and say loudly and with a smile…”I’m a Disorderly, and I’m proud of it”

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Introduction To This Website & it's Contents

Firstly, and without apology, this website isn’t about in-depth analytical interpretations of The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) or lengthy discussion on Millon’s Subtypes etc or other “look how much we know” clever dissertations on current medical practices on Personality Disorders.

It’s unashamedly written by long term sufferers of disorders who have battled through “treatment programs” and finally found successful coping strategies, and want to offer those experiences to...

OK, So Who’s “Normal” and Who’s Not?

When “Normal” Meets Personality Disorders: A Friendly Chat About Shared Traits

Ever noticed how we all have bits and pieces of ourselves that can seem a bit, well, 'off'? You're not alone. It's pretty common to see some overlap between what we call 'average' and traits linked to personality disorders. This can lead some of us to think we might have a disorder when we really don't. This chat is all about clearing up that confusion and reminding you that having certain traits doesn't necessarily mean you've got a personality disorder ...

The Pro’s and No’s and Go’s and Whoa’s of Self-Diagnosis or More Accurately: Self-Analysis

Navigating our feelings and behaviors is like embarking on an exciting journey of self-discovery. Recognizing patterns that might cause us discomfort or disrupt our daily lives is a brave and critical first step towards feeling better. However, when we go from being aware to becoming our own doctors—especially with complicated conditions like personality disorders—it can be a bit like venturing into a maze without a map.

Personality disorders are like a giant jigsaw puzzle with many small pieces that need to fit together just right ...

The SA3 System: A Pathway to Self-Discovery and Recovery, by Acknowledging, Identifying & Addressing Your “FAWS”

In the world of personal development and mental health, a groundbreaking self-help approach has emerged. It's all about empowering individuals to take control of their well-being. This revolutionary system is called the SA3 System and was created by The Holistic Press, an organization dedicated to promoting holistic health and well-being.

The SA3 System is built on three essential pillars...

Part I - Self Analysis:3 Different Paths to Identify What P.D. You Might Have

Please don’t end up reading the Definitions of Personality Disorders and instantly panic thinking “Oh my god, I’ve got Histrionic Personality Disorder and Paranoid Personality Disorder”, it’s time to sell the car and book my bed at the Refuge! That’s called “Doing a doctor Google”, as if you Google the symptoms of almost any disease you’ll find have at least half the symptoms! So DON’T PANIC. Be intelligent and go through a few self-analysis methods….. and then sell the car, lol.

Part II: The Strengths and Weaknesses of Personality Disorders: It’s Not All Bad, Matter of Fact...

Realizing & Using Those Strengths and Weaknesses

It’s not all bad. We list below vocations and hobbies that you are probably really suited to.

You have your own set of traits which, in a different context, could even be seen as strengths. While dealing with a disorder, they may well display qualities that could shine under different circumstances.

Part III: How to Handle & Overcome All 32 “FAWS” (Fears, Anxieties, Weaknesses & Struggles)

Analyzing and applying a positive approach to recognising and handling the different Personality Disorders

We cover all the 32 in huge depth, with 6,000 - 10,000 word “Coping Strategy Handbooks/Audiobooks” for each over on the Membership site PLUS a “Guided Meditation Audios” library for each of the 32 will be ready soon - fingers crossed.

Here’s all 32 Fears, Anxieties, Weaknesses & Struggles (FAWS), their analysis and suggested coping strategies.

Part IV: Self Help and Knowing Where to Find It.

“Current Medical Model” Solutions, and Complimentary or “At Home” DIY solutions, including the new ICR Method

To treat our Fears, Anxieties, Weaknesses & Struggles we’ll look at using the “Current Medical Model” and cover the traditional treatment methods, then because the whole thrust of this book is DIY self-help strategies for those who simply cannot seek or receive professional help, we’ll list DIY versions of the Current Medical Model therapies.

Part V: Moving Forward - What’s Next, What Now?

Instead of apologizing to ourselves and others, we choose honesty, acceptance, and to embrace our condition. In fact, we’ve even gave ourselves a name... we call ourselves the "Disorderlies", and we're proud of it.

As someone living with a personality disorder (PD), I understand the challenges that come with the territory. The confusion, the fear, the uncertainty - it can all be overwhelming. But I am here to tell you that there is a way forward, a way to not just cope, but to thrive....

Guided Mindfulness/Meditation Audio Sessions...

Moments of Peace & Calm in Any Situation or Setting, for the Busiest Day

Guided mindfulness and meditation audio sessions offer a profound journey into inner peace and self-discovery. With soothing voices and carefully crafted instructions, they gently lead us to a state of deep relaxation and heightened awareness. These sessions provide a structured path to mindfulness, making it accessible to beginners and enriching for experienced practitioners. By tuning into these guided sessions, we can alleviate stress, enhance focus, and ...